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Nesting and tips for talking to pregnant women

Writer's picture: RileyRiley

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Heeeeey you guuuuyyyysss!!!! Yo! What is up, my friends. It’s been a minute since I sat down and spent some time writing.

Why? Honestly, sometimes you just get distracted. Nah mean? Thats all that happened, I just needed some time to focus on other things and get my head right. I feel like I’ve gotten so much done! And its freed up my brain and time. So I’m back.

Hello. Hi. I missed you. I hope you’re doing fantastic. So what have I been focused on?


Nesting. Man, oh man, nesting is a REAL thing, y’all Here is how I know. When I was in high school? This was my room on an average week.

Oh, can’t see it? Let me zoom in.

There was shit EVERYWHERE. All the time. And I functioned in it, guys. The thing is, my parents were always very clean people and taught us to do chores and keep things nice... I just didn’t listen.

Im not kidding when I say there were numerous occasions I didn’t see the carpet in my room.... for days. DAYS. I’m not a “naturally tidy“ person.

Over the years I’ve gotten better. Age and getting your own place will do that to you, sure. I keep my space tidy on the reg, but still allow things to pile up here and there.

In the last few weeks, however, since getting back from Hawaii...? I’ve been possessed. I’m worried for my health. I cannot sit in my home any longer without looking around at something that I can get rid of, to help with the clutter. I’ve gone through my entire wardrobe and I Marie Kondo’d the ever-living shit out of it.

I went through piles and piles of clothing and donated three jumbo garbage bags - I took my closet down to this:

I started a challenge thats required I throw away five items a day, every day, for the month of February and there are some days I just can’t stop. Im a decluttering fool - I have nothing left, I tell ya.

Call it nesting, call it growing up, call it whatever. The truth is that I’m just so anxious for little River to get here, that this feels like one of the only ways to calm down. But “nesting“ sounds friendlier, so let’s go with that.

Im feeling much better about my home, that’s for sure. I have less junk and Im almost done with going through all of my things. I can’t wait to be done!

My goal is so keep pumping through tasks for as long as I can - likely through to mid March. This way, for the last few weeks before the inevitable push, I can just...... chill.

Baby Bump Updates

Were officially beginning month eight of the pregnancy and I just cannot believe we’re here. July was yesterday! When the hell did we blast forward to now? It’s all gone so fast and I truly haven’t accomplished everything I set out to do. At the beginning of this whole thing, I told myself I was going to buy a box of diapers every time I went to the store. Wanna know how many diapers I have?

Honestly - more than I ever thought I would, that’s for sure haha! But no where near the stock pile I was hoping to have prepared for myself.

It feels like theres so much to do still and I want to pause time to catch my breath.

Here’s how I’m feeling, in a nutshell:

- My ribs are killing me

- My back is killing me

- My boobs are leaking

- My dreams are WILD, omg

- I‘m in a calm state of being overwhelmed

So much to do. So little time.

However, with all of that said, I can truly say I’ve had a very easy pregnancy. I hear stories of women going through the gates of hell for nine mother-loving months and my heart goes right out to them. They the real MVP’s.

I‘m grateful for my run at this and would like to thank veganism for the ease. That isn’t part of my vegan agenda - I’m being 100% honest here. I think if I weren’t vegan, all of this could have been a whole lot different.

Tips for Talking to Pregnant Chicks

Something I’ve noticed is how often people ask me how the baby is. “How’s the baby?” or “how’s she dooooin??”

Im incredibly grateful for everyone who cares about the well being of my child, I promise, I am.

But do you wanna know how’s she’s doing? She’s sitting in a sack of fluid, comfortable, at the perfect temperature, getting all the nutrients she needs - not doin a damn thing. GETTING ROCKED TO SLEEP - DAILY. She is fucking fine.

My tip to you, dear reader and caring friend, is to ask your pregnant friends how they - the woman carrying the baby and gaining the weight - are doing. Am I really being so selfish that I want people to ask pregnant chicks how they’re doing, over the state of how their child is?

Yes, motherfucker, I am. Because they are the ones who need it right now. Not only are we all emotional balls of stress but our entire life is about to be thrown upside down, our bodies have changed totally, we’re uncomfortable, and we just want some damn whiskey!

You could say by asking how the baby is, you’re inherently asking how they are, but I’m here to tell you that its just, simply, nice to hear someone ask me how you are. Please reach out to a friend and be shoulder for them. I promise they’ll be thankful, whether they say it or not.

It’s been so nice catching up, my lovelies. Until next time, keep it sleazy.



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