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Create a vision board and get you what you want in 2020

Writer's picture: RileyRiley

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Today is January 1st, 2020. The beginning of a new. fucking. decade. Welcome to it! We here! We made it.


The motivation is up, things are feelin' rowdy, and goals have been set in motion. If you read my post about New Year's resolutions) then you know how I feel about making goals that you don't care about, like reading 10 books in a year when you don't give a shit about reading, and how that's the kryptonite of resolution-making.

Well, now I'm here to tell you how you can stick to your resolutions and actually see them through.

Vision boards.

Riley, what is a vision board? Well, thank you for asking! Wow, it's like you knew I wanted you to.

A vision board is wooey manifestation bullshit, and that is not a joke. It is wooey. It is manifestation focused. And to some, it sounds like bullshit, but it works - I've learned from experience. So let's break this down before we get into the nitty-gritty.

What is manifestation aka the law of attraction?

"Manifestation is simply the process of making an intention real. It’s about taking something that’s just an idea in your mind and calling it into this physical plane." See? I told you it was wooey. Basically, the thought is, you can create the world you live in and the things that you experience, by focusing your energy (thoughts, actions, motivations, etc.) towards what you want. You attract what you put out into the world.


This ever happen to you? You're going to bed before a really important day and before you lie down, you set your alarm. You double-check it, triple check it, turn it on and off again to make sure its really on. And then you go to bed thinking "I really don't want to be late tomorrow, oh man, please don't be late."

Next thing you know you shoot up out of bed and realize your alarm didn't go off (let's get real, you pushed snooze too many times), or there's a crash on the freeway and – you guessed it – now you're late.

The one thing you didn't want to happen. You thought about it! You took the steps you needed! But it still happened to you.

Manifestation is the idea that by simply putting your thoughts or energy towards the fear of being late can bring such into your life. We consciously, or unconsciously, create our reality.

What a better bedtime routine: set your alarm (and acknowledge you did, you don't need to turn it on and off 12 times), get into bed, and think to yourself, "tomorrow is going to be such a great day. I'll wake up rested and healthy and I'm going to get to where I'm going ahead of schedule." And then you believe it – you live it like it's already happened, you're confident in it, you know it to be true. You leave zero room for "but, what if's," you go to sleep knowing your morning will go the way you want it to.

Life will give you what you want, you just need to know how to ask for it. There's a ton of content around manifestation on the internet. You can check out YouTube or read books on the topic at any time. But for the sake of this post, that's what I'm going to cover.


What is a vision board?

"A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life."

You can create a vision board for timeframes in your life – 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc. Or for different events in your life, like your dog's 4th birthday party, your wedding, your upcoming vacation. Whatever you want! Vision boards can also be physical or digital.

Get yourself a printer or magazines, some glue, and a posterboard! It's craft night!! Or... you know, you can just use Canva like I did. Save the trees!!


How to create a vision board

It's really simple and quite fun.

1. Visualize the things you want in your life.

2. Search for images or words that you feel encapsulate that want.

3. Paste the images on a board or digital document.

4. Place the vision board where you will see it daily.

To help inspire you a bit here's my current vision board!

I've thought through the things I want to bring into my life in the next few years and I've now made this my phone lock screen and background!

I will see these goals daily and I will begin living my life as if I already have them. Plans are in place, intentions are set, and I feel like I'm on fire.


I cannot wait for this year and for everything to come. I'd also love to see your vision boards and the things you plan to bring into your life! If you have any questions or you'd like to chat out your life plans, reach out. I'd love to chat with ya.

Now, go get what you want, hustler.



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